Bangalore Summer 2017 - 13th May
Two Good Bets today 1-1 Afrikaner-WIN/SHP NIGHT ODDS: 18/10, MORNING ODDS: 18/10 3-6 Olympia Fields-WIN/SHP NIGHT ODDS: 18/10, NIGHT ODDS: 12/10 Both the above horses are the best in their respective field, should win. If not win, they will finish in SHP. 4-2 CHEMICAL ROMANCE - ITS PROSPECT NIGHT ODDS: 80/100, MORNING ODDS: 45/100 POSITVE SIDE: It Has Credentials To Donkey-Lick The Opposition. But we never know the present health condition of a horse unless you see it during paddock parade. NEGATIVE SIDE: CR’S LAST RUN WAN ON 26.01.2017. BUT CR WAS GIVEN INTRA ARTICULAR INJECTION ON 18-02-2017. IAI was given for lameness during Winter and CR has not run a race after 26 th January. It means it got lame during track trials only. “Lameness, Pain referable to JOINTS, remain the important source of reduced performance in horses. Intra Articular Injections remain a common and important means of addressing lameness referable to joints in horses”. ADVISE: